Lastly, we need to comfort hurting today, she wrote. I struggle with the fear of man myself. Be very careful Azaelea. Christ followers are saying enough. We are the Church! Dont stand in the middle, dont seek to mediate. Lina, Did you realize the pastors publicly said sorry last weekend? It was an extremely long and difficult decision to finally leave (we did our best to leave peacefully with the good of Christs church in mind) knowing very well that our reputations and many of our friendships we had there would be severely if not permanently damaged. The fallout has only just begun. He claimed he would never return to Willow until things had changed and the time was right. First, they resigned, along with a third elder (who was not excommunicated only because he also left Harvest and was no longer a member), in protest of how the church was being run. But wait who is that lurking around the edges, his deeds the center of everyones interest in our church right now, salivating and gleeful that divisiveness and sin is healthy within the body of Christ? The timing of this article makes you less credible. The flock are the casualties in all of this. The word of God and the flock were only mentioned at the end of the long list. You do not know if she fasted or not, nor do you know if the Lord Himself brought her to this revelation. Many people went to leaders and spoke up. He lists grievances against Harvest including a false narrative in financial matters, a hostile takeover, shunning our family, the wrongful seizure of the ministry assets returned to him in the recent arbitration, and a vicious but unsuccessful strategy to end our ministry permanently.. In the wake of his departure, the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability acknowledged serious concerns around spending and financial stewardship under MacDonald that resulted in the church losing its membership status. God wins the war. Even people who were very close to us turned silent. first Bill Hybels. Thank you Lina, There is NEVER a healthy or spiritual reason for suppressing truth. Therefore Lina did what God moved her to do in His Boldness and Courage, being fear had silenced her. This decision was made with heavy hearts and much time spent in earnest prayer, followed by input from various trusted outside advisors.. She is sharing her heart and personal experience in an open, vulnerable way, in kindness and love. The elders ordered church members to separate themselves from dissenters for fear of their souls; called MacDonalds critics behavior satanic to the core; and accused them carrying out an attack by Satan against MacDonald and Harvest. Sometimes being good will also mean being nice, but sometimes it will not. There is no question in my mind that what I did see and experience increasingly at Harvest was a culture that functioned and was sustained by fear and the desire to please James at any cost. And even then, it often doesnt work because so many remain enthralled with the narcissist, or have tied their fortunes to them, that they simply cant or wont see the truth. Isnt this just what the enemy of our souls would want? You are Loved I think I am gonna throw up. May God be glorified through this. Im thankful you and so many others I know have left with dignity and after a bit of healing have jumped back into churches where they are serving the Lord with all their hearts using the gifts God has given them so faithfully. You have every right to speak up; and I respect you for doing so. So Grace is only for MacDonald and no one else not the elders he excommunicated, not the numerous employees who were fired or kids who were expelled from HCA, not the pastor who was fired in FLORIDA and had his church taken away I would ask you SERIOUSLY??!! How dare you question her about why? Why? And these things are only the tip of the iceberg. Those that havent gone through it ask why would you speak these things? When you started, you (and others) mentioned the cult of personality that James benefitted from. That, it seems, was what it took to finally break his hold over his current elder board; to finally convince the elders that they were wrong to keep listening to his excuses. The abuse I suffered first hand and working through the realizations and implications of that abuse have been traumatic. In addition, what was shared now, may have been heard better now, then it would have been heard before Lina left Harvest. I should have left that week, but I was too afraid to cause damage to Jesus and His kingdom and the women I was leading at that time. Hang in there. Doing ministry you love. (It wouldve done no good to tell them how they erred when previous months didnt get it done.) You have to leave before you can see clearly. James has all the characteristics of a false teacher. 1 Timothy 5:20: But those elders who are sinning you are to reprove before everyone, so that the others may take warning. Is the founding pastor subject to accountability structures? How do you know it wasnt done with fasting and with prayer? and manifest character, which have been revealed to speak not of the Holy Spirit of love, but rather have the love of money and power and the very reek of Hell about them! Be blessed Lina! It IS her truth I have lived with fear in my life almost my entire life. Though MacDonald has been granted the rights to his Walk in the Word ministry, he and Harvest remain at odds. And it wasnt just some random bloggers saying these things, either. Specifically, I do mean the Machiavellian rule by fear and division that we are seeing. With Gossip of the Gospel, the Church Grows in Nepal. Pray and console those whose faith has weakened from this. Do systems of accountability exist in practice, or only on paper? However, 2 of the groups meet in Panera Bread. And come together in prayer, fasting and humility before Jesus that He enables us to be the people He died for. Finances: Giving not Tithing. It describes participative worship thats all the music you need. That IS A LIE!! The problem definitely doesnt end with James. Praise and Worship is congregational: Harvest Bible Chapel has fired its founder and senior pastor James MacDonald following years of controversial behavior, financial scandal and allegations of bullying and intimidation. The decision comes after an explosive scandalous period at Harvest, including a botched excommunication,an ill-fated attempt at a defamation lawsuit, a scathing investigative report from World Magazine and then this most recent, shocking revelation. He was a ruler of his churches. MacDonald is not being kicked while hes down. We attended Harvest for 16 years before we left little over 4 years ago. And still some came because their loved ones and spouses have abandoned the faith completely and now refuse to go to church and they long to understand why. Lina has every right to speak her truth . We wont let fear overcome the freedom weve been given in Christ. Her first year at college and her first visit to Harvest RM. No matter what everyone else says, it does take courage to say something. I thank you for your willingness to risk being misunderstood while offering your experience to help reduce the shame of others, who need a hand to hold, as they work through their own healing. And the truth of many at Harvest. My mom, who doesnt attend HBC, says that the church is going to die because James was the bread and butter. For a great many, it's time for the cult of personality of James MacDonald at Harvest chapter to close and the actual Bible to be opened again., Today on his edgy radio show, Muller said while he felt MacDonalds firing had to happen, he also had wanted nothing to do with any of it and now my part is done., I feel like God was using me in this, he said. Or share it. All I have to say Lina is thank you! Many might wonder why it all still matters to me so much. * 36But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment. Amy. Harvest responded by suing both bloggers, their wives, and Julie Roys. The small church that I and my family left was a textbook case in spiritual abuse. Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world. I didnt want James as an enemy, as being on the inside knowing and seeing how he could and would destroy others in ministry if they challenged him. In effect, the senior pastor isthe church. Ezekiel 22:27: Her princes [leaders] within her are like wolves tearing the prey, by shedding blood and destroying lives in order to get dishonest gain. He wants a huge army of women indwelled with the Holy Spirit to point people to Christ. We are thankful and humbled by His care and protection of our family. I am thankful for JESUS that used Pastor James in my life. Many were intimidated, called names, called subversives. I stay with confidence that God will not be mocked, he knows the perfect balance of justice and mercy, he will redeem this pain and we will witness HIS power in HIS church. Im not on FB, so I didnt see your post where you extended an invitation to us to meet with you again. blessings. Please pray for all of the member/attendees who are struggling, as we are grieving a loss of our church base and have felt the wrath, unfortunately. 2.) No, I dont as well as many others. We are satisfied and grateful to our pastor for his Christlike behavior. Its been over a year and a lot has changed at Harvest and a lot sill needs to change. Opt out of televised preaching? Pray for all the lost and unsaved who are not hearing the Gospel and our testimonies right now from our lips because sin has been made the main thing. Some women were still in the middle of the trauma and were still currently attending Harvest. God is using this to grow me as he does in all trials, so for that Im grateful. Harvest Kids is our weekend experience for kids (babies to fifth grade). Its hard to step out alone but God always protects and brings darkness into the light to be seen. Only time will tell whether Harvest can outlive its founding pastorand the scandal that has enveloped both him and his elder board. In other words, thatwasMacDonald in the recording. I was so dissappointed to hear that she left. I loved his book Vertical Church. We are to fear God not man. The kindest thing one can do is to cut out and expose the cancer to death. As Gods word says it would. I chose to believe the Bible and Gods promises. This is why NOW. At the start of the year, elders stated that his primary focus has transitioned from building our ministries to securing a healthy succession that sets all our ministries up to flourish in the next generation.. On January 7, 2019, Harvest elders announced they decided to drop the lawsuit against Julie Roys and four other individuals. There are times in our lives and circumstances that its just not real clear as to how to address something, with as little harm to what is good, as possible. When we try to protect those in power instead of those who are hurting, we are not doing the work of God. Go figure..Disappointed, Searching for a new study close by. And this was all the way back in 2012). I have had similar experiences at The Chapel . I, like you, am so thankful for how God has worked in me and my family through the ministries at Harvestincluding the teaching and selfless service of Lina, and so many others (some who have left, and some who chose to stay). However, James is not the same person he was when he began that church and if he was to continue leading it, he would hurt countless others. My first two books were scheduled to be released smack in the middle of that summer, and I didnt want to impact their potential not to mention that James had agreed to write the forward on my first book. So your opinion is to fire everybody? In October, the church reported its chief information officer to police for suspected embezzlement. Dont you think this influences decisions made by the leaders, both now and before? Theres a difference between stirring the pot and exposing false teachers as the Scriptures instruct us to do. Mike Winger Discusses When God Hardened Pharaohs Heart, Tennessee Church Showcases Tyre Nichols Photography, Louisiana Pastor Sentenced to 5 Years in Money Laundering Case Involving Nearly $900K in Stolen Funds, Steven Curtis Chapman First Contemporary Christian Artist To Earn 50th No. (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';fnames[3]='MMERGE3';ftypes[3]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); Copyright 2023 Living With Power. The Jews ebb and flow toward God followed a pattern. May the love of Jesus Christ and his peace flood over you this day! Others, too, could see the attitude. Wounds take a great deal of time to heal and its appropriate to share them and warn others to avoid similar church abuse. Same as your departure, not a single person reached out to see how I was doing once I left my job. I appreciate the Biblical distinction you made Sheila, in relation to the Bible calling us to be good ; which doesnt always mean being kind and nice. I havent seen the video but abuse of power at any level is sickening!! Todays Christians are weak and show Satan how powerful he is when their own Church is faced with trouble. Hidden things have come to light. My family attended a smaller Harvest church close to Elgin. this isnt meant to hurt you but to support those who need it. He is doing a new thing, and I will stand with my brothers and sisters in Christ and praise his Holy name through it all. We too would pray and fast and seek the Lord as to what it was we could have done wrong as not one person from the church we had attended for years cared to find out where we were at. Thoughts from a person looking in. Yes Nellie, we are called to bring light on the darkness. An eight-month investigation into pastor James MacDonald and Harvest Bible Chapel, his Chicago-area megachurch, culminated last week with the publication of a World Magazine article by Julie Roys. Have you not read these passages? The culture of fear, intimidation, and secrecy has poisoned not just Rolling Meadows and its campuses, but also trickled down through the fellowship. I was asked what I would do if I were still on staff through the last 2 years. Subscribers receive full access to the archives. Truth is healthy. He told me that I would be cursed for questioning his authority and God would punish me. What would it take to convince an elder board to question its pastor? Voices heard together make a difference. I am now going to read the rest of your post. In fact, he is the one who is no longer pastoring. REALLY !! Ive been where youre at, believing that its godly to keep trying to work it out, like family does. www. While I am personally removed from the situation, my brother and sister-in-law attend a Harvest Church and there has been a lot of pain through all of this. Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus, for the law of the spirit of life (in Christ Jesus) has set me free from the law of sin and death.. She approached this with sensitivity, wisdom and grace. Hes my brother in Christ. We just determined to treat the circumstances as a loving God giving us a different direction. Im so sorry, and Im sorry for the comments here that are going to be painful for you. The only hope is to totally exposed and excise it so that all will not be consumed. I dont understand how anyone could watch that video and not immediately know that something was very, very wrong. Looking back over my life I see how all things have led to today. And your part of the problem. Youve blessed me when I heard you speak at a Harvest Womens event about 10 yrs ago, through your radio ministry and at an event you spoke at last year. 2023, All rights reserved. On January 16th, MacDonald took an indefinite sabbatical leave. Nice to hear from you again! MacDonald took an indefinite sabbatical in January, following a tumultuous few months defending Harvest in a defamation lawsuit against its critics and in the aftermath of a World magazine investigation into mismanagement at the church. Implying that the information on TED was lies. Is it perfect? My daughter was also at that service when they showed the video. I have a Patreon! Prevent these types of money exchange corporations, She is not trying to kick him while he is down. They helped to create this culture of fear. 1st at services, then recording those messages fir walk in the word and finally by publishing them. He stopped going to any church and says he has lost faith in everything. Well said Lina. It is important to bring light to this matter, help yourself and others heal and put a new song of praise and trust in Our God. Harvest elders announced this morning that they were forced to take immediate action on Tuesday to end his 30-year tenure. I hope that the cleansing and purification will come to Davenport as well. He stomped his questioners. Plus Lina Abujamra on Why She Left Harvest Bible Chapel | Wondering Eagle, How Christians Care for One Another When Their Leaders Fall BCNN1 WP, How Christians Care for One Another When Their Leaders Fall Urban Christian News, How Christians Care for One Another When Their Leaders Fall BCNN2, How Christians Care for One Another When Their Leaders Fall | BCNN1 Black Christian News Network, From Mars Hill to Harvest: Hope for a Wounded Church Bible Talk. The current leadership at Harvest Bible Chapel including Luke and Landon and Rick and Mo and Jeff and the CFO are infected by the cancer of fear and control. Then, not ten minutes later Mike Dunswood told us the Elders were told ( presumably by the XLT, which included Jeff Donaldson) all parents were notified about Paxton Singer and his sexpoitation issue in Jan 2018. Thank you for your openness and sharing! Something happened to us some years ago and a number of people turned against us because of lies, etc. I didnt want to upset James. Do you not remember that God used His Chosen to reveal the sin of not only churches, in the New Testament, but also to Kings in Old Testament. Maybe its because youre a doctor and have such a desire to see people healed. This is the right time as the judgment of God has come to his people. . Leaving spiritual abuse is okay, you cant be expected to change it while youre in the midst of it. Please anchor in on John 7:24. It is those who live in fear. I knew he wasnt perfect, but then, neither was I, I reasoned. I see Jesus in youfrom one member of the Body to another. The first one is in the magazine Relevant and looks at the allegations of Anne Green being inappropriately touched by James MacDonald. Lauren Boebert And Marjorie Greene's Adult "So Your Problem with Christianity is the Jesus No, the "Second Shift" Isn't Feminism's Fault. Get the most recent headlines and stories from Christianity Today delivered to your inbox daily. Whatever is wrong in Gods eyes He will bring someone to reveal it. She was obedient to Christ. It was so hard not to be bitter, and it took a long time to want to be part of another church and not be so cautious. Id be interested in reading you blog on tattoos. I think the congregation who asks these questions should know that I pray for them. I choose to stay through this pain because, for me, leaving would create a wound that would never really heal. Our family was kicked out of our church plant campus and everyone at the church was told not to talk to us because we were disobedient by speaking out against the things were were seeing. Amen Sister! However why now? During his sabbatical, MacDonald had planned to preach at the. Does It Matter Where Your Clothes Come From? You are absolutely right about the fear! It is now operating at James MacDonald Ministries. While many in the congregation were willing to give it a second chance, some members raised concerns about many of these individuals closeness to MacDonald, and their willingness to cover for him for so long. Hello: WHY NOW??? Harvest Bible Chapel Naples and its landlord have reached a settlement, ending a court battle to evict the church. Hi Sally, I still hold fast to the hope he will take all this to Jesus. Or is he in effect the church, with an elder board that exists only for show and to rubber stamp his decisions? I also dont know why it took me five years to leave, but now Ive been at a true Bible preaching, Jesus exulting church, not too far from the RM campus. In any case, Im saddened to hear that this happened to James McDonald. I have always wondered why you left Lina but didnt know you personally to ask. Study-7:00 PM. Lina you were humble and owned more than most. But He is in control of everything and if He wants HBC to continue, it will continue. This is the mercy and grace of God. May Our Lord guide all of us and May His will be done above all else. This man is a smooth deceiver and believes his own lies. I was there when Ted launched. I just want you to know that what you did at HBC mattered, and your presence is greatly missed. As happens in evangelicalism, Harvest effectively became its own denomination, with MacDonald at its head. Free of James fear. Im grateful that the sin of James and the elders/staff who allowed his tyranny to prosper is finally coming to light, so that the abuse can come to an end. In 2013, in a story covered bymajor evangelical news outlets, Harvest publicly excommunicated two former elders who were still members of Harvest. This all happens when we gather, grow and go together as followers of Jesus. I still had friends on the inside that I longed to remain friends with. Mike was genuinely shocked when we told him our son had Paxton as a camp counselor for whole week at Camp Harvest and we never received notice as HBC falsely told Daily Herald. We are taught in Gods Word that it is Christs love that ought to control us. Then God led him to Harvest Bible Chapel. I have or attend 3 or more small groups a week now and feel alive. Gods timing is always perfect. I think God has not lifted the veil on a lot of eyes for some reason. Thanks again, Lina, for being courageous in the midst of these difficult days. I also managed to write an apology to James for the pain I had caused him. Then, a famous friend of his, Chicago shock jock Mancow Muller, spoke out in a local newspaper against the manipulation and ego he observed around MacDonalds cult of personality at Harvest. The collaboration of many witnesses should help the leadership at Harvest (or any church) know the depth of a problem. Criticism of MacDonald begun to surface on The Elephants Debt, a blog founded in 2012, run by Ryan Mahoney and Scott Bryant, former members era of Harvest Bible Church. This problem is not isolated to Harvest. Fear that your leaving would damage those you ministered to. The good intentions of our ministry partnership with Harvest Chicago have been overshadowed by these developments, he said. He clearly told me that they send out reminders to give. Thank you for this post. Now the Chicago-area megachurch is sharing details of the settlement and has apologized to its former pastor, who was fired in February 2019. This included an abusive and fear-based culture where those who question leadership are punished, she writes. These are the same elders who signed the letter of unconditional support for James, and then they fire him? 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