He has an armband with a sacred pearl that symbolises his function. It is advisable to hire a guide with a car as the area is remote. Such jihads caused the Dogon to abandon their original villages and moved up to the cliffs of Bandiagara for better defense and to escape persecutionoften building their dwellings in little nooks and crannies.[15][17]. After his election, he has to follow a six-month initiation period, during which he is not allowed to shave or wash. Masked Dancers of West Africa: The Dogon. Of the native fauna in the region, large carnivores and ruminants have become rare, with only a few medium-sized mammals being found in the cliffs. In addition to the priests and religious functionaries of the various cults, there are seers or visionaries (kumogu ) and diviners. [2] They speak the Dogon languages, which are considered to constitute an independent branch of the NigerCongo language family, meaning that they are not closely related to any other languages. Livestock, meat, onions, grain, various agricultural products, tobacco, cotton, pottery, and so forth are traded for milk and butter, dried fish, kola nuts, salt, sugar, and other European merchandise. Two of the most specialized craftsleather- and ironworkingare restricted exclusively to members of a craft caste. There is no indigenous political integration above the local (village) or district level. In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. Religious Practitioners. Caste boys do not get circumcised.[31]. Succession to office is patrilineal (by younger brother). Or, were the Romans protecting something even more valuable than silver? It contained only about a quarter of the full vocabulary of "Dogo so", the Dogon language. The idea has entered the New Age and ancient astronaut literature as evidence that extraterrestrial aliens visited Mali in the distant past. The yingim and the danyim rituals each last a few days. Was this German silver mine really defended by two Roman forts and a line of "spike defenses? Encyclopedia.com gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). Masks used during the yincomoli ceremony include the Yana Gulay, Satimbe, Sirige, and Kanaga. Identification. The vast majority of marriages are monogamous, but nonsororal polygynous marriages are allowed in the Dogon culture. ETHNONYM: Panjabi The largest ginnas are subdivided into several families, or tire togo (sing.). The Dogon are Biographies - Hogon | African Religious Leader | Britannica Kanaga mask in three pieces; 20th century; 108 x 59.1 x 22.9cm (42.mw-parser-output .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}12 x 2314 x 9 in); Brooklyn Museum (New York City), Person wearing a Walu mask, based on an antelope, Figure of a seated musician (koro player); late 18th century; 55.8 x 17.7 x 10.8cm (22 x 7 x 414 in. Damas that are still performed today are not usually performed for their original intent, but instead are performed for tourists interested in the Dogon way of life. With the settlement origins dating back at least 8,000 years, it is one of the worlds oldest continuously inhabited cities in the Not many people know of the Gambia. WebThe Dogon religion is the traditional African beliefs of the Dogon of Mali. WebThe past century has seen significant changes in the social organization, material culture and beliefs of the Dogon, partly because Dogon country is one of Mali's major tourist attractions. Some tenets of Islam have been accepted, others rejected; in many cases, the new elements are blended with those of the traditional religion. He wears white clothes and nobody is allowed to touch him. Paris: Institut d'Ethnologie. [citation needed] Divorce is more common in polygynous marriages than in monogamous marriages. The mausoleum was built during the reign of Timur, the ruler of the Timurid Empire. After being chosen, a hogon must pass through several months without washing or shaving. Archaeological evidence indicates that the Dogon moved into the region of the Bandiagara escarpment in the fifteenth or sixteenth century, probably as a result of the breakup of the Mali Empire at the beginning of the fifteenth century. "The Nummo foresaw that the original rule of twin births was bound to disappear, and that errors might result comparable to those of the jackal, whose birth was single. A hogon is a spiritual leader in a Dogon village who plays an important role in Dogon religion. [56], Oberg points out a number of errors contained in the Dogon beliefs, including the number of moons possessed by Jupiter, that Saturn was the furthest planet from the sun, and the only planet with rings. Within the village, individual houses are set around a rocky, irregularly shaped open space and separated from neighboring houses by stone walls. In 1995, gravitational studies indeed showed the possible presence of a brown dwarf star orbiting around Sirius (a Sirius-C) with a six-year orbital period. The traditional dama consists of a masquerade intended to lead the souls of the departed to their final resting places, through a series of ritual dances and rites. Masked dances and masquerades at funerals are a feature of their culture for which they are well known. Amsterdam: Time-Life Books B.V. The increase in the number of visitors to the area in recent years has done wonders for tourism, but has sadly damaged the environment and this special cultural landscape. [11] Other oral histories place the origin of the Dogon to the west beyond the river Niger, or tell of the Dogon coming from the east. WebThe Hogan is treated much like a deity, the one of creation in this instance, and is free from having companionship but may have maids accompany him. The population numbers between 400,000 and 800,000. All agree, however, that they learned about the star from Griaule. Dogon has been frequently referred to as a single language. [12] See also [ edit] Pangool Mand creation myth Samay (mythology) Zin (water spirits) Traditional African religion portal Mali portal References [ edit] Above the lineage is the much larger kin group called the clan, from which the various lineages emerge. The Dogon primarily sell agricultural commodities: onions, grain, cotton, and tobacco. Dogon funeral rituals come in two parts. The Dogon are a group of about 250,000 people who live primarily in the districts of Bandiagara and Douentza in the western African nation of Mali. Whether on the high plateau, the cliff-faces, or on the plain, the Dogon have exploited all the elements available to build their villages that reflect their ingenuity and their philosophy of life and death. In certain cultural areas, the Dogon villages comprise numerous granaries, for the most part square with a thatched tapering roof. [57] A more recent study using advanced infrared imaging concluded that the probability of the existence of a triple star system for Sirius is "now low" but could not be ruled out because the region within 5 AU of Sirius A had not been covered.[58]. Minor regional dialectal differences exist. Dogons originated for the first time from the West bank of Niger around 1490 The Kanaga masqueraders, at one point, dance and sit next to the bundkamba, which represents the deceased. Many artifacts have been located in caves and sanctuaries in the area which are helping experts to better understand the history and the societies of the Cliff of Bandiagara. Orientation, Kota Then the Dogon who has entered the contact repeats the ritual, asking the resident how his or her whole family is. "The dual soul is a danger; a man should be male, and a woman female. Social stratification among the Dogon is similar in many respects to that found in other societies in West Africa. Other fauna include crocodiles (in the swampy areas on the plain), reptiles, monkeys, guenons, guinea hens, hyenas, foxes, panthers, rabbits, and small rodents. Starting with the French anthropologist Marcel Griaule, several authors have claimed that Dogon traditional religion incorporates details about extrasolar astronomical bodies that could not have been discerned from naked-eye observation. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. These are two story building with separate areas for men and women. African religions: Ritual and religious specialists. Once there, many trails are open to visitors along the escarpment and while visiting a traditional Dogon village, cultural respect is encouraged. Associated with regeneration Historically, Dogon villages were established in the Bandiagara area a thousand years ago because the people collectively refused to convert to Islam and retreated from areas controlled by Muslims.[5]. Animals are kept more as a symbol of wealth and prestige than for economic necessity. Paris: ditions Domat-Montchrestien, F. Loviton. Since the twentieth century, there have been significant changes in the social organisation, material culture and beliefs of the Dogon, in part because Dogon country is one of Mali's major tourist attractions. [Editor's Note: In this article the established spellings of Kota words have been retained, al, ETHNONYMS: none "[52] In his book Sirius Matters, Noah Brosch postulates that the Dogon may have had contact with astronomers based in Dogon territory during a five-week expedition, led by Henri-Alexandre Deslandres, to study the solar eclipse of 16 April 1893. Public opinion is a great regulator of social behavior in Dogon society, not so much for its threats of punishment through shame, but by its withdrawal of satisfaction and love from its erring members. [5], The hogon may conduct rituals in the Sanctuaire de Binou, a special building the door of which is blocked with rocks. The souls of the just reach paradise, Ardyenne, or the house of god (Amma ginu ), where they live an existence analogous to that which they lived on earth. WebThe hogon, the Dogons' spiritual elders and high priests, preside over Lebe ceremonies. Between 2010-2012 I worked in the Limerick City Archives. Although some Dogon accepted the new regime, many strongly opposed and resisted it for many years. They were one of the last people in West Africa to lose their independence and come under French rule.[18]. The term "Punjabi" signifies both an inhabitant of the Punjab and a speaker of the predominant Language, Wolof There are at least five distinct groups of dialects. Very much like the lyrics of the famous Elizabeth "Jane" Shore was a fiery and charismatic Englishwoman who made a name for herself as one of the many sultry mistresses of the handsome and powerful English king, Edward IV. Kado), a Fulbe word meaning "stranger" or "pagan.". "[24] Dogon males were primarily associated with the single-sexed male Jackal and the Sigui festival, which was associated with death on the Earth. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. A good knowledge of French would be helpful when visiting the area, but a multi-lingual guide would be able to translate for anyone unable to speak the language. [14], For almost 1000 years,[15] the Dogon people, an ancient ethnic group of Mali[16] had faced religious and ethnic persecutionthrough jihads by dominant Muslim communities. Formed by a range of sandstone hills, the cliff has a distinctive geology and forms a natural redoubt which is somewhat isolated from the surrounding region as it is bookmarked between two mountains. There are over 200 Dogon villages across the escarpment and each village has a democratically elected headman (Hogon), who is also their spiritual leader. Photographs of masked dancers, first taken in 1907, as well as examples of native art work, soon made their way into Europe and the United States, catching the interest and curiosity of the Western world. Houses are built extremely close together, many times sharing walls and floors. After his election, he has to follow a six-month initiation period, during which he is not allowed to shave or wash. Circumcision is believed to eliminate the superfluous one. Kin Groups and Descent. [18] Griaule had lived amongst the Dogon people for fifteen years before this meeting with Ogotemmeli took place. Another minority practices Christianity. The Sirige mask is a tall mask used in funerals only for men who were alive during the holding of the Sigui ceremony (see below) (Davis, 68). Griaule, Marcel (1938). This is manifested through the cult of the masks, the Lebe cult, the Binu cult, and the more general cult of the ancestors associated with the ginna. In the 7th century AD, the Byzantine Empire harnessed the power of fire with the creation of Greek fire, a weapon of destruction unlike any before its time. [23] They were symbolized by the colour red, a female symbol. There are two endogamous castes in Dogon society: the smiths and the leather-workers. Social Control. Here goods are exchanged not only between neighboring Dogon villages, but also between the Dogon and neighboring groups such as the Fulani and Dyula. The Mali landscape around Dogon (Spooner, J / CC BY 2.0 ). This practice has been passed down for generations and is always followed, even during winter. Orientation Their images or figures appeared on the female side of the Dogon sanctuary. Another example is the custom of elaborate greetings whenever one Dogon meets another. Dogon religion and Dogon philosophy both expressed a haunting sense of the original loss of twin-ness. Ancient Chinese Earthquake Detector Invented 2,000 Years Ago Really Worked! Encyclopedia of World Cultures. One of its most distinctive features is the hierarchical series of occupational "castes" or status groups consisting of iron- and leatherworkers, griots (lineage genealogists), musicians, poets, and sorcerers. Expert Answer Introduction. WebThe social and cultural traditions of the Dogon are among the best preserved of sub-saharan Africa, despite certain important irreversible socio-economic mutations. About 1,500 ethnic Dogon in seven villages in southern Mali speak the Bangime language, which is unrelated to the other Dogon languages and presumed by linguists to be an ancient, pre-Dogon language isolate, although a minority of linguists (most notably Roger Blench) hypothesise that it may be related to Proto-Nilo-Saharan.[38]. The heavenly Powers themselves were dual, and in their Earthly manifestations they constantly intervened in pairs[28]. The Dogon also plant and maintain a variety of useful trees such as date palms. The Satimbe mask represents the women ancestors, who are said to have discovered the purpose of the masks by guiding the spirits of the deceased into the afterlife (Davis, 74). [32]) Rites of circumcision enable each sex to assume its proper physical identity. ." This marks the end of their youth, and they are initiated. In referring to relatives, linguistic usage distinguishes between the forms of address and the specific relationship. [11] They also believe in ancestral spirits such as the Serpent Ancestor Lebe, and the "Water Spirits" Nommo. Dogon society is composed of several different sects: Villages are built along escarpments and near a source of water. Other specialists are the healers or herbalists (dyodyonune ), who treat the sick, and sorcerers (dyonune ), who cast spells. The colour white was a symbol of males. 16-19th century. The first occurs immediately after the death of a person, and the second can occur years after the death. The Yana Gulay mask's purpose is to impersonate a Fulani woman, and is made from cotton cloth and cowl shells. The Chilling Mystery of the Octavius Ghost Ship, What is a Wendigo? (February 23, 2023). The Hogon is the spiritual and political leader of the village. Pern, Stephen (1982). The Awa is a masked dance society that holds ritual and social importance. After initiation, the Hogon wears a red fez. They speak the Dogon languages, which are considered to constitute an independent branch of the As sacred leader of the Lebe cult he oversees the important planting and During the yincomoli ceremony, a gourd is smashed over the deceased's wooden bowl, hoe, and bundukamba (burial blanket). A younger brother is first in line to inherit all collective property, followed by the eldest son. Other crops include sesame, maize, The extensive escarpment runs for over 93 miles (150 km) and it is between 300 and 900 feet (100 - 500 meters) high. In this ceremony, offerings of millet from the hogon's fields, in conjunction with sacrifices by the Binu priest (binukedine ) on the Lebe altar of the ancestors, impart to the seed the spiritual essence or nyama that will contribute toward the community's assurance of an abundant harvest. Sadly, these days the culture of the Dogon is under threat as many have converted to other religions. To the southeast of the cliff, the sandy Sno-Gondo Plains are found, and northwest of the cliff are the Bandiagara Highlands. The village of Songho has a circumcision cave ornamented with red and white rock paintings of animals and plants. I have written a book and several peer reviewed journal articles. Man in Peru Caught Out Drinking With an 800-year-old Mummy! And then there are special sites such as this, which boast all these features. It was held once every sixty years and allegedly celebrated the white dwarf star, Sirius B. The blacksmith, set apart by his caste, has no rights in the village and lives entirely on the proceeds of the sale of his goods to other villagers. Each caste is endogamous, and members do not take part in any of the common religious cults. According to Griaule, the celebration of twin-births was a cult that extended all over Africa. But after this generation, human beings were usually born single. WebThe Dogon are ethnic group from the Central plateau region of Mali, located in West Africa. She returns to her home at night. Marriage. [3], The Dogon are best known for their religious traditions, their mask dances, wooden sculpture, and their architecture. Subsistence and Commercial Activities. After initiation, he wears a red cap, and a pearl bracelet. The blacksmith performs the circumcision. Today, at least 35% of the Dogon practice Islam. Each village is composed of one main lineage (occasionally, multiple lineages make up a single village) traced through the male line. 16th-20th Century. At present I am a Read More. Archaeologists have been able to take a closer look at one of the United Kingdoms most famous shipwrecks. The concept of death and rebirth is also contained within Dogon mythology. [45], Griaule and Dieterlen were puzzled by this Sudanese star system, and prefaced their analysis with the disclaimer, "The problem of knowing how, with no instruments at their disposal, men could know the movements and certain characteristics of virtually invisible stars has not been settled, nor even posed. He was eaten by another nommo, and their spirits merged; the nommo vomited out a new Lebe (part human and part spiritual), plus copious liquid which shaped the landscape.[7]. Following the birth of the child, the couple moves into an unoccupied dwelling in the husband's village and quarter. Are the Misty Peaks of the Azores Remnants of the Legendary Atlantis? The Dogon migrated after the empire's collapse to the cliffs of the Bandiagara plateau. ETHNONYMS: Cohatur, Kohatur, Kotar, Koter, Kothur Encyclopedia.com. A few villages also keep bees. Dogon damas include the use of many masks, which they wore by securing them in their teeth, and statuettes. Ancient Origins 2013 - 2023Disclaimer- Terms of Publication - Privacy Policy & Cookies - Advertising Policy -Submissions - We Give Back - Contact us. Ritual dance of Dogon County (Gleeson, G / CC BY 2.0 ). Updates? The Dogon religion was centered on this loss of twinness or androgyny. Since the late 20th century, the Dogon have developed peaceful trading relationships with other societies and have thereby increased variety in their diets. ETHNONYMS: Dogom, Dogono, Habbe, Hambbe, Makbe, Tombo, Tommo, Toro, Identification. WebDiscuss why you would or would not like to be selected as the Hogan within the Dogon culture. The leather-workers engage in significant trade with other ethnic groups and accumulate wealth. A Blazing Weapon: Unraveling the Mystery of Greek Fire, New Moai Statue Found on Chiles Easter Island Excites Researchers, Curious Mussel Shell Arrowheads in Norways Mountains Confound Archaeologists, 2,000-Year-Old Roman Phallus Could Be Oldest Known Sex Toy, Huge Wari Empire Temple from 800 AD Unearthed in the Highlands of Peru, What is Shambhala? Following French rule, this concept was modified to allow individual ownership of property. Circumcision and excision are once again the remedy."[27]. The Dogon use this entertainment to earn income by charging tourists money for the masks they want to see and for the ritual itself (Davis, 68). The virgin is replaced by one of his wives, and she also returns to her home at night. The Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi is a monument in Turkestan, a city in southern Kazakhstan. (2003), Wanono, Nadine & Renaudeau, Michel (1996), Hochstetler, J. Lee, Durieux, J. The "Sigi so" was used to tell the story of creation of the universe, of human life, and the advent of death on the Earth, during both funeral ceremonies and the rites of the "end of mourning" ("dama"). Africa, 38(1), 16-25, Available at: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/africa/article/dogon-cultureprofane-and-arcane/47CD44EC412C57D64B141529BD52F19B, Walther, O., Renaud, T., & Kissling, J. Similarly each village may have their own way of performing the dama rituals. Orientation It has a strict code of etiquette, obligations, interdicts, and a secret language (sigi so). Explanation. Historically, the written Burmese term "Karen" probably came fr, Doggett, Bill (actually, William Ballard), Dogs, Wolves, Coyotes, Jackals, and Foxes (Canidae), Dogs, Wolves, Coyotes, Jackals, and Foxes: Canidae, Dogs: The Rise and Fall of an All-Girl Bookie Joint, https://www.encyclopedia.com/humanities/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/dogon. However, the date of retrieval is often important. The Cliff of Bandiagara (or Land of the Dogons) in Mali is an outstanding landscape and has earthen architecture that seems to defy the laws of nature and the passing of time. Craft specialization is determined by gender and caste. Those who follow this spiritual path believe in one Supreme Creator, Amma (or Ama [9] ), [10] the omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent Creator. The Dogon believe the sacred snake Lb comes during the night to clean him and to transfer wisdom. "[24] The removal of the second sex and soul from humans is what the ritual of circumcision represents in the Dogon religion. ); from Mali, Figure of a kneeling woman; circa 1500; wood; height: 35.2cm (1378 in. [4], The hogon is central to a wide range of fertility and marriage rituals, which are closely related to Dogon origin myths. The Dogon territory extends from approximately 1315 to 1500 N and from 130 to 400 W. The population is concentrated in some 300 villages along a 145-kilometer stretch of escarpment called the Cliffs of Bandiagara. During this time, new masks are carved and dedicated to their ancestors. The key spiritual figures in the religion were the Nummo/Nommo twins. [12], It is often difficult to distinguish between pre-Muslim practices and later practices. Afterwards, the boys stay for a few days in a hut separated from the rest of the village people, until the wounds have healed. Its head, called the ginna bana, is the oldest living male member of his generation. & E.I.K. Durieux-Boon (2004). They make music on a special instrument that is made of a rod of wood and calabashes that makes the sound of a rattle. Hogon live alone and should be celibat Marriages are endogamous in that the people are limited to marry only persons within their clan and within their caste.[29]. There are two major events at which the Awa perform: the 'sigi' ritual and 'dama' funeral rituals.[35]. When a woman leaves her husband, she takes with her only the youngest childthe remaining children stay with the husband's family. During a greeting ritual, the person who has entered the contact answers a series of questions about his or her whole family, from the person who was already there. This group tends to be localized and constitutes the basic economic unit. The Iliad can provide new insights on the role of motherhood among the ancient Greek gods, and by extension, amongst ancient mortal Greek women themselves. Also plant and maintain a variety of useful trees such as the area is remote as have! An armband with a sacred pearl that symbolises his function inherit all property. Linguistic usage distinguishes between the forms of address and the second can occur years the! Able to take a closer look at one of the full vocabulary ``! 2003 ), a Fulbe word meaning `` stranger '' or `` pagan. `` are and... 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