piper and annabeth talks about percy fanfiction

"Sorry!" Annabeth is shredded because Percy is in a coma, one he has been in for a year. They heard the threatening voice of Annabeth. Before he could open the door, he heard arguing between Frank and what sounded like Hazel. Natural (Percy Jackson Fanfiction) by just peachy. (Hephaestus was a freakin' genius). Jason said, his throat tightening. Just as he finished the last of his breakfast, Piper, Jason, and Leo walked downstairs. Piper clutched Jason's hand tightly. Leo realized there was something wrong with Jason. Is that okay?" Wait until he feels my wrath." So Hazel and Frank, talking through the walls. Why else would a goddess talk to him, unless she needed help from him, which was highly unlikely. 9.1K 420 13. There was a makeup table stacked with items begging to be used, and Piper was sleeping on a heart-shaped bed with pillows full of pink unicorns and crowns and lipstick marks. (Was supposed to be a harem story, turning into a polyamorous story. Losers, I tell you-", "Ooh! "What. One jock was telling Percy. A collection of bonus scenes from the main series. f. Oh Leo. "You know it's true. "It's just that it's so hard to sink in, that you of all people liked Percy", "Yep. This time more about Percy's. relationships with his friends and family come to light, as do his feelings on it. Was all he could say. She brushed the stray hair out of her face and then looked forward again. He whispered to Hazel, who was propping her eyelids up to prevent them from drooping. "Hazel? "Piper, I was hugging Rachel." "WHAT????????!!!!!!!!!!!!" This was the place where me and Perce became friends, after all. Percy winced in sympathy for Frank. "But you're his favorite son.". She remarked. "And holding parties is only for desperate people who want to try and become awesome! Nobody seems to like guys like me. He desperately needed to get popular. Finishing his Taco Bell Chicken Burrito, he lit his hand on fire and burned the wrapper to ashes. "Me too." Percy said matter-of-factly, leaving the sink and heading upstairs. "She just wanted to say hello.". He was leaning against the wall on the kitchen, pots and pans threatnening to clang over him and smash his head to pieces as they hung over him. The Seven lined up against the wall, and through the vortex Leo managed to keep standing and hold his food down. "HEY!" And the wolf behowls the moon; The rule of this story is that all characters must stay within character. "Yep." Percy argued, one arm around his girlfriend. He opened his eyes to find him on a bed with a clean mattress and pale blue sheets. Aphrodite will dress you up in the morning. One uneventful day, Percy is assigned a special quest by Aphrodite, a quest that would turn him into the perfect boyfriend and love. She cried, wringing her hands. Thunder rumbled, and Piper now saw the passion etched on his face. Hazel stifled a laugh she had almost let out. Aphrodite laughed. "Oh, you are so on, Peter Johnson." "I've already had to tutor Piper, Jason, Percy, and Hazel. She turned the doorknob into her purple, violet and lavender room. And what's the square root of 225?". "Oh gods. "But the boys are so- ugh- immature!". Leo thought. Hazel saw herself sleeping peacefully on the bed, and she gratefully dived in, herself mingling with real Hazel and then "Schist alarm clock." Panting, she crashed back into the room. "HEY!" But before the last bite, Jason was sucked into a vortex of spinning colors Frank felt like throwing up after the ride was over. Now the hungry lion roars, Aphrodite cooed. Jason's confused voice asked. And Leo had to agree with her on that one. He touched a curtain gingerly and could tell it was velvet from the way the soft fabric scraped his skin. Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase are graduating college and have started their new lives . I have dibs on him-". Leo said. "Right? "Burned!" She had grown close to Jason and Piper and Leo after working so hard together to help get Percy back. It's not like it isn't anything she hasn't done before. Percy opened the door and stepped into a a huge hall, complete with custard yellow paint and an elegant red carpet. He whispered in her ear. Percy thought. "You have the same punishment as Percy except I have to confiscate your tool belt for a month.". "Dionysus must have done the names." "This is the Percy side of Jason." "Percy and I are hooked. I also have zero period, which doesn't start until next week. He had been a sort of scrawny kid three years ago, and people still remembered him as the loser he was. Percy mumbled, looking down. Go and eat cereal!" "Yes, Pip-"Piper put her hand to Annabeth's mouth. Just staring at it too long made Percy's eyes water. ", "You don't get what the square root to 225 subtracted by the square root by the square root by 9025 is?" "Holy Hephaestus!" He laughed and stroked back his hair. She had been purposely ignoring him, but everytime he tried to talk to her, he would be stopped by either Hazel or Annabeth. I knew my Aphrodite siblings were giving me odd looks but I didn't care. He heard Annabeth say. Mr. Blofis seemed like a nice teacher, scribbling something on the chalkboard and telling them to read it. Piper suppressed a giggle as Annabeth looked back at him. You are absolutely adorable. He could here it groaning from the impact, but he ignored it. Annabeth asked. Athena stood up with a kind of deadly calm. F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi. Flirting with my boyfriend!" They then grabbed the flag and began to run. Percy joked, reading the letter slowly. He said, plopping himself on the bed. "Annabeth." "Percy." She was staring at something white and bright, and a powerful presence that chilled her bones. Do you really want to know why? She made a shhh gesture and plopped on the side of the bed. "Yeah, Piper?" "What, Leo, is there a monster or anything? Complicated relationships and problems. Hazel stepped out of the small crowd. Annabeth urged, and the demigods hurried to room 3A for their first biology lesson. "Yes." Just as quickly, the fire disappeared, leaving no sign of it's presence, and left a crisp and unscorched letter on the table. "My mother's Athena, so I just close my eyes and my hands do it themselves." Frank questioned the two of them. (Annabeth: Bish think again) (Grover: Bish think again) (Sally: Bish think again) (Piper: 0.0) Annabeth said, eyeing the paper with disapproval. "I wish to have Aphrodite give me and Percy her blessing that we will always be together." Percy said like an overexcited kid. He had no idea how he hadn't noticed that before. Jason replied. Percy could only remember Zeus announcing they had to go to school and a black vortex before he went to sleep. With the threat of Hades still lurking in the shadows, things stop adding up, and darkness is on the horizon. Aphrodite said. He must have fallen asleep sometime. "Oh, Percy's here. A crystal chandelier hung sparkling on the ceiling, and curtained windows were all around. Annabeth asked in the living room when they were alone. Kylie looked at him like he was a piece of scum on a toilet seat. "That'll teach them." Annabeth and Piper have been best friends forever. "I was uh also gonna ask you about Piper." Percy raised an eyebrow and glanced at him questioningly. "What beautiful legs you have there.". Wake up." Someone said behind him. . "Hi. Today was a Saturday. Annabeth snorted. Piper was the Beta's daughter. Annabeth and the girls left for the latter, while Frank and the others went outside to play basketball. "I would personally like to lead a normal life. annabeth is a mess. "Cool." She sniffed. "Stupid alarm clock." About weed - should we pray to you as the god of trippy parties? Percy saw Chiron mouth trippy parties with silent incredulity. Jason and Piper are getting married. Yawning, Jason made his way out of bed and toward the door. Jason's wearing a Superman costume. The light detoriated into things she could see easily. Your wishes will be approved." : "Oh, at least you have it easy. Piper answered. Leo meekly replied;. He heard Jason mutter a few curses, and chuckling, left to scare his next victim. However, here Thalia is, about to go from the frying pan into a molten volcano.~Thalia's been getting used to living as a Pirate. "Everyone, prepare to use your swords and get out of here.". The dorky one with the black hair near the pretty blonde girl-", "The girls are sooo pretty! "Then very well. As soon as he twisted the doorknob, he realized Piper would not be happy with her room. Jason asked. Cause maybe I like people who aren't my type." He eyed Leo sternly. His absence made the whole scene more lonely. While our other friends have moved on and tried being social again I haven't seen the outside since Jason died. All he saw were blurry images of his friends and something like the goddess Iris's rainbow store before they slammed on the ground. He thought. This period ends in three more minutes." The only difference is our lockers: Mine is 247, and she has 244.". "So you now understand my brilliant logic." "Jason, I'm here." Annabeth Chase is a Greek demigod, daughter of the goddess Athena and professor Frederick Chase, and the cousin of Norse demigod Magnus Chase. They followed the crowd as they moved slowly to their lockers to get their English textbooks. He asked, trying to sound innocent, as if he was and wasn't drinking Coca-Cola when he was supposed to be doing his Math homework (Stupid Algebra teachers that assigned homework on the first day of school!!!). Moving closer, he could see the face of Annabeth smiling, her chest puffing in and out, in and out. Sorry. She guessed Annabeth wasn't the only one with gruesome nightmares. "You let her sleep and made us wake up at seven?" AKA Percy, Piper, and Annabeth all get high and run into some monsters. In the Fifth Book of Percy Did What? "Stop being such a drama queen!" "Jason?" ", "He didn't mean it." No you aren't. The look on Jason' face was priceless. That sounds like some kinda florist here, or maybe a child of Demeter." The Demigod's Howl. No one made any mention of his name, which made him feel lonely and depressed. No tile gave a groan when she stepped on it, no locker echoed her soft footsteps. "I wonder how big is this room. kisses under a waterfall// pipercabeth// 617 words, After a forced promotion to godhood and his girlfriend putting announcing that it was time for a break. ", "I know." Percy Jackson is injured. Jason said for the fiftieth time. She creeped forward, careful not to make a sound. She scowled at some lame joke Alan cracked, and looked ready to crack his head open. "You have two weeks to finish it, starting tomorrow.". The school was architecture and impressive, and intimidating too, just like Frank thought of Annabeth. Every time she closed her eyes, a haunting memory from Hell would just appear. Percy, Annabeth and Piper move into a new flat together. "Please, Wise Girl?" Annabeth asked curiously. Hazel blurted, remembering the scene in study hall. She said. Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan, Nico di Angelo & Jason Grace & Percy Jackson, Nico di Angelo & Thalia Grace & Percy Jackson, Nico di Angelo & Jason Grace & Thalia Grace & Percy Jackson & Hazel Levesque, Magnus Chase & Percy Jackson & Carter Kane, Annabeth Chase & Nico di Angelo & Percy Jackson, Rick Riordan Demigod Universe | Riordanverse, Children of the Big Three (Percy Jackson). She was evidently amused. Percy said, a angry fire burning in his eyes. There were sky windows, and it looked around dawn. "She's Percy's age. Well all of this has to do with the plot so stay tuned until my next update. Annabeth is the architect of Olympus and the former head . He sounded almost scared. She picked it up with a jolt, realizing who it must be. It sounded like a boy's voice. All of a sudden, a gang of boys almost as muscle packed as Frank blocked their way. "Yeah. Percy J., Piper M., Leo V. - Chapters: 8 - Words: 15,954 - Reviews: 52 - Favs: 110 - Follows: 92 - Updated: 1/19/2018 - Published: 10/14/2013 - id: 9766359 + . If she cried, it rained. "That's Alan Brown, captain of the football team. He could either 1. "Maybe the gods will send us a message or something like that." However, when you find yourself suddenly second in command to an entire troop of misfit pirates, things tend to get out of hand. He's different, somehow. Said another voice over the phone. "Who are you?" The Rumours consisted of a small child, with the ability to talk to sea creatures. It was break again, and as usual Jason was surrounded by his fan club and the girls were surrounded by Alan's gang. "You know, Rachel's technically a maiden forever, so I can't fall in love with her." Groaning, he shook his head and looked around to where he was. Zeus- no, now Jupiter, announced into the echoing of the palace. Next to the window closest to him was a door that read in white on black (best for dyslexic eyes) Annabeth Chase. After school, Rachel tried calling several contacts, including Annabeth, Percy, and Jason, which all failed. When Percy is turned into a guinea pig and then back, the transformation gets a little weird. ", Annabeth giggled suddenly. Hazel giggled and moved in. He needed a plan, which for once could not be depended on Annabeth. "You will remain a couple at the end." "I've got a plan to make us popular". She said, catching her friend's eye. Leo finally, with help from Annabeth, finished his homework in a record twenty minutes. Percy asked and stared into my eyes. "-reward them?" Piper has and older brother- Percy Jackson. "Me too." One day, Annabeth called him and they arranged to meet at the beach. "Me and Piper have identical schedules. She's got a following bigger than her Olympic-hopeful boyfriend and the hottest guy in school, Percy Jackson. And then they lunged toward the camera in Leo's hand. He mumbled. Annabeth scoffed. Frank wondered what was inside of Leo's. Go, and try your best with Hazel. Even during the day, with her eyes wide and . From The Seven In High School on Wattpad by @Alyyang123. "Why don't we go and examine a few artifacts? "Oh my gods. I smiled at Percy, I was happy to see him finally getting over Jason's death, he had been so depressed at first. pipabeth - smut, drinking, parties, making out. They decide to call for help from an expert. Frank asked, his beefy left hand about to punch the wall. She answered back, a tinkling laugh like a wind chime sweeping across her throat. She was curious to see what modern high school was like because she had never experienced it before. I ducked in time and humiliated him in front of the whole class." "Percy, go away and stop eavsdropping!" Shots! Hazel knotted the cotton string and admired her handiwork. "You can try to wake her up instead. "Piper McLean, what do you want?" "And hello there, sexy lady." And since now is the time we're growing out of our dyslexia, why the Hades do you need help?" "You're below me with the wimps and the dorks. Frank is there for the ride. "Hazel and Frank got into a fight and Annabeth's sleeping." Is he? "I'm warning you, Jason Grace, that this is your first strike. "Why didn't anyone wake me up earlier?" "Yep." Oh Leo, he was hopeless. She was furious that Percy sorta liked me, and I liked him, and we were so close to getting hooked. Leo blinked, his mind in a endless stupor that went on and on. OOH PLOT TWIST! She pulled the handle, and was completely stunned at what she saw next. I sniffed the sweatshirt and stained it with tears which left stains on my cheeks too. That is all." She smiled gratefully and walked through the walls to her own room. She mumbled. Someone dropped their books near them with a loud thud. Listen. Somone hug Chiron. Even after I told Percy he wasn't my type I still found myself attracted to him. Complete Work. She paused. Summary: Annabeth might be able to convince the boys that her post-Tartarus nightmares are nothing, but Hazel and Piper know . "She was in the library the whole time. In the church-way paths to glide, "Says the daughter of Athena." Piper said, jumping onto the fountain wall and hopping off again to examine a plaque on the side. "Ouch! Frank said, looking uncomfortable. look and Percy turned around to stare at Annabeth. She shook off the feeling and let go, staring at the electric blue eyes of the King of the Gods. He started to panic, hyperventilate. Passing through the walls again, she saw Piper calmly sleeping, her face in utter bliss, which was hard to imagine because she was still in the pink, red and white room Aphrodite had given her. This time more about Percy's. ANnabeth replied, trying to shut the door without hurting his hand. And with that, the goddess of love disappeared and left a puzzled Leo standing midst the crowd of high-schoolers. "But, I can assure you end up with each other." The one and only Oracle of Delphi. "Very well, son. Piper said. "Since when did you have such a expanded vocabulary?" We were like two cats competing over a dead mouse. Jason Grace/Piper McLean (10) Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson (10) Magnus Chase & Percy Jackson (10) Magnus Chase . Closing the door and finally being able to breathe properly, Percy walked over to Frank's room. Jason thought about it. She asked in a bored monotone. She looked like a completely different person wearing the Goode uniform and ponytail, along with no bandana tied around her head. He answered. When suddenly came a girl that was seriously pretty, but not like Hazel. Jason could hear her making her way toward the door. She woke up immediately. This place is full of history!" Frank replied, bringing out the Literary Readings Textbook out and slinging it in his bag. ", "So we need to go up." You know, I can give you a shot for Hazel. The party. For fans of Percabeth. Cursing in Ancient Greek, Rachel grabbed her books and ran to her algebra classroom. Not only is she a-shoo-in to win Prom Queen, but she's the Senior Class President and Cheerleading Captain. No Annabeth to reign him in this time. If anyone could beat up a jock, it was Annabeth. relationships with his friends and family come to light, as do his feelings on it. And the duo burst out of laughter at the look on his face. Leo said, smiling. The last three girls he had flirted with were Thalia, Reyna, and Hazel. Percy nodded, "I knew I'd win this argument!" ", "15x15=225, 25x25=625, 35x35=1225, 45x45=2025, 55x55=3025, 65x65=4225, 75x75=5625, 85x86=7225, 95x95=9025. "We have nothing going on between us because I'm single. Never to cheat on her or leave her? Piper thought as she looked around. "That's it, people!" It was getting late, and his eyelids flickered. Ripping off the minotaur is impressive, but remember that PJO monsters are shit compare to Nasuverse. A expanded vocabulary? Percy her blessing that we will always be together ''... Images of his breakfast, Piper, Jason, Percy, Piper, and she has n't done before toward!, Multi windows, and chuckling, left to scare his next victim you-,! Talk to sea creatures eyes to find him on a toilet seat behowls the moon ; the rule of has! He saw were blurry images of his breakfast, Piper, Jason Grace, that you of all liked... 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