can you love someone again after hating them

His hurt is pure anger now. She agrees to speak nicer but wants nothing to do with my family and will not make any further efforts. She wants you to be happy with your own self and life. Does the fact that he is also hurt maybe indicate there could be a chance? Idk if I should see this counselor again on monday or not, Iwanted someone to help me help myself but help me work on my rrelationship. Otherwise he will see you playing games. How do I let go of fear and love again Innocently? My final rejection of his efforts to start again are a step to far. Our relationship when we got back together two years ago was amazing. I feel so bad for what I have done to this woman that I truly love and respect! People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. No one can live a life without them. get him on ( m). I dont even enjoy being intimate with him anymore. The ladt time he was physically, it was bad but I said some EXTREMELY NASTY THINGS & I think that I could have done the same if I had been in his shoes. we get each other and are in love, even planning on the future but inside when i think about it. Great, Jessica! What hurt was that he completely ignored me. My problems is that we grew apart, hardly had any sex, didnt talk about things more than day to day stuff and were more like room mates in the past 3 years. We recently just moved across the country together. He says he forgives me and has moved on. This is the most important question of all. True, men tend not to think too hard about themselves, but you know what? his very helpful Anita in London. I should have stop him but I didnt. There are times when I think that this is a possibility and times when it is not. Why is that? This is starting to wear me down a lot. There will be new things in the you that has experienced all this pain: guardedness, healing, and newfound respect. 7 months into the relationship he confessed he is really into me and that he could say he love me. so over the course of 2 or 3 months Ive had this gut feeling that she wanted to move to Texas also. I would never never hit anyone or had cheated but all this had made her feel scared of me. And it kept getting more and more frequent. Aquariums and museums, in general, offer a perfect backdrop for both romance and history, with many exhibits in these places having ancient artifacts like pottery and even tools that people used during their early periods. He has texted me everyday since I moved out about mostly neutral things but hes still making contact. he is hurt over the fact that his sister and mother at times dont get along well and he said i dont respect him and as we start to argue i get so loud on top of my voice and he cant deal with stuff like that so he dont think it will work. He has never had a steady job, and im lucky if I get a couple hundred bucks off him a month. Then I find out after we had done it, he had been with someone else during that time we were seperated but supposably together. Marriage or no marriage ya cant really get over it once your spouse wants to look elsewhere. Ive been trying to research these and understand him more. I started to distrust my new partner and it snowballed. You have to look inside yourself honestly to figure out what made you insecure enough to lie. Dont let yourself follow their bunny trails. What would a real connection to someone feel like? Then they have something to bring into the relationship instead of just taking from it. We never actually dated but we were good friends. Over the year there have been some good times but also bad times where I panic, start to really worry and spiral into a depression. I never know what to do, he says I dont comfort him, that hes tired for the past three years hes done everything, he puts my feelings first and as a girlfriend all of this should be an instinct, I should know what to do and say as a girlfriend. I have begun to change my routines, I am trying to bring the romance back, I am trying to change the way I think, and I have my first counseling session set up for this Friday. It might also be worth it to talk to him. I have been with out my youngest daughter for 4 years and not my husband say he doesnt love me anymore he feel out of love with me , but is hard for me to accept that i can imagine the life with out them , I feel angry use and betrayed by him but i love him he wants to divorce now but i have been fighting back to get back into relationship with him to be with my daughter and him he say emotionaly he has no feelings for me no more and thas very painful . Crazy huh? So your husband isnt going to get past it without help. We talked about what we would do if I was and he kept pushing me to consider abortion, but although I support a womans right to her own body I couldnt fathom the idea at first. I am in an awesome mood at work. Marty. A trial was never scheduled for that year so the kids were in limbo for over 2 years. When hatred wins, relationships crumble. But it is all out in the open now. Eye contact, a hug or my simply wanting to be near her seems to frustrate her. In my heart I just get the feeling I let her down and she wont give me a second chance. April 28, 2022 . The fact that you chose the first husb. Although she told me there are always bunch of people upstairs and the place is uncomfortable. You need to investigate. Eventually, I discovered that his actions did not change. We have 2 kids together and we live in the same house for only another 30 days, she had been pretending to love me for the last month or so, but she has already been in the arms of another man, a man that she had falling in love with 18 years ago, but could not pursue it because he was married, now he is not she has a desire to be with him and has had this for a long while, just never told me for the 13 years we were together. Our four conversations have been long and we laugh and joke like we used to, but I know the relationship has forever changed and she has stitched her heart back together while mine is still raw. I would feel guilty when i let him wait outside while shopping so I stopped enjoying that as well. Me and my girlfriend are in a long distance relationship we been together for a year and a month and sometimes i ask myself am i losing feelings for her bc during the summer one day i got this weird feeling in my chest and it wasnt a good feeling at all it made me question myself and my relationship bc i told my gf i think im losing feelings bc the feeling didnt seem to go away and i felt really bad cause i think i hurt her .i left to go on vacation and we decided to go on a break so i could think the feeling kinda went away but then again it didnt wen i got bac from vacation we started talkin again and sum weeks or months later the feeling started coming bac its like a weight that on my chest or my chest is geting tight i still dont know what it is till this day bc sometimes it comes and sometimes it goes and somtimes it never goes away What im trynna say is am i losing feelings for her? Cheating so many times is saying, I am not worth more than that. You are degrading yourself therapy will help you not only uncover why, but give you tools to rebuild yourself. Even more than when we firet met. Ever since we had that fall out hes like a changed man. Then I meant a man at church who has become one of my dearest friends. " Once you love someone, unless your respect for them is destroyed, you can always love them again," Susan Trombetti, matchmaker and CEO of Exclusive Matchmaking, previously told. I stopped all contact with the other man that day. i am trying doc. I want to know if this is something that is going to benefit us. Your boyfriends parents may have indulged him too much. be with her n do things for her. Everything progressed nicely and I really liked him. I tried to delete him out of my life but he found his way back and said that he truly loved me and that sleeping with that other woman was only a one-time thing because we were broken up at that time. If you lack confidence already, this will be a further blow to your self-esteem. i do not know what to do or where to turn? I need help. Telling him that you did nothing wrong isnt enough to make changes: He needs to heal and he needs help to do it. This I learned mid July. I got a decent paying job and have been mostly supporting us since then. I hate that the one I love hurt me so bad that its hard to love myself. To the best of my knowledge, friend could actually mean herself. any words of encouragement or suggestions on my post from June 18? More clear about life in general? When a person is having problems in his marriage is the WORST time to strike up a relationship. Research shows that mindfulness meditation is better than medication (long term) for trauma such as PTSD. about 5 months ago i met this amazing woman. She did say that she does still cares about me. I daily promise him to meet n so we cudnt . Her going crazy telling me just to admit it and tell the truth. I work with my ex and he did exactly this to me. He said he didnt think me leaving for awhile was necessary to begin with. His friend has emotionally abused me and I dont understand why my partner cant consider this. If you go to my other blog, on my website,, there are some articles that deal with sex, porn, and so forth. I truly do not want this and I want to love her the way she deserves to be loved, but it is sooooo hard to let go of the control and leave it up to what will be. if there are any suggestions to better my future and rebuild the love I once felt for her and have her love me back please I ask any comments to be said. She began borrowing money from me almost weekly for work expenses. When he ended up marrying someone else I was beyond heartbroken. Also read my article on the 36 Questions. Hi Mike, Needless to say we dont get along, but my fianc say has now brought up the issue that I dont show him enough affection so he drinks and takes off. so you shouldnt to bother with sluggish net relationship. Use that new knowledge in positive ways with your friends and family, people you work with and so on. I figured I had to be that girl so if it happened again at least I didnt give my all. but I cant let go of him cos i knew he is the one in my life. I have asked him if there is someone else, he swears not and I am inclined to believe him. So, Im wondering if that is the case with your situation also. She is the one, the person I want to grow old with. Hi drDeb could you please give me advice on my story that I wrote. i am prepared to take as long as it takes even if i an unhappy and alone on the journey. just please be honest with me if it. i read where you say its called patient giving i understand what your saying and what needs to be done my only concern is how long should you keep trying patient giving before you realize its not going to work and your marriage is going to get back to going the right direction, ive been married for 6 years and off and on weve had issues but it hasnt been til the pat year that my husband has told me once he wanted a divorce but never went throught with it we patched thigns up we never seperated but about two weeks ago he sat me down and told me about the issue were having now and he said i am willing to give you one last chance and work on our marriage, but if it happenss again hes done now neither one of use has cheated its has nothing to do with that, he got very upset and angry at something i said, he has that right to be mad i understand but he tells me he wants to give me another chance but tells someone else he doesnt want to so i want to make my marriage work and prove to my husband its not him thats the problem it never has been he hasnt told me he doesnt love me anymore, so i am confused on how long should i try and mend the bond before i finally say i cant do this anymore and tell him ive tried to fix this issue but i cant do it anymore, i want to fix it but i just dont know how long i should before it starts to get better if it even does get better if you understand what i am asking. The next day, she doesnt want to talk to me, but when she does, she said she read the email multiple times and I get the impression she felt I was letting her go. Im working on me I dont want to lose him..Ive seen him once in almost 3 weeks, since I got out. Now we are trying to mend but he wont let me go back home. Not about us, the breakup, the relationship, etc. I was convinced he was cheating on me because he even had a picture of himself and the same girl as his wallpaper. I wish I could change the past but I cantI clearly didnt love him thenor if I did I loved myself moreI was a selfish child I know but what do I do now? Hi Dr, thanks for replying back. Love and hate are similar in being directed toward another person because of who he or she is. He wanted me back just as much as I wanted to be with him as well. He gets frustrated by it sometimes gives up. or i just thought so. I put on a brave face to everyone I meet as I work front-line reception, but the facade is slipping more speedily with each passing day. Letting him do you like this is letting him run over you. We moved around shopping for baby stuff, groceries, her personal stuff at expensive places.This took place between September to December 2014 and she was due around late January. She spoke to her mum asking if it was normal thing putting it towards wedding jitters. we have established that we are now in a relationship. Hi Dr. Deb Hi Meeka, For 10 months of 2014 we visited marriage counselors & a psychologist trained in the respective fields to help us both lovely good-hearted women who attempted to help us through into healing. I would rather see YOU give him the oral sex dressed up in a way that excites your and his imagination. which he has acknowledged, he just says now that he can no longer ever love me again,but he loves me above everyone else in his life, and im beautiful and the perfect partner. But his words also remind us that behind the clouds, the sun is always still shining. But it kept happening. She stayed in touch with me, but rejected any kind of connection with me. My girlfriend had been cheated on in her last relationship and she did not believe me when I told her it didnt happen. Hi Dr. Deb, I added a comment on September 7th, 2016. No arguments, just love and support. I also feel i want to fix our relationship, and i feel like that the most important thing for me right now, and that i want a future together. I asked why is that? sometimes crying myself to sleep and asking what happen to us.everytime i face him, i would hear the words he say.sadness really overwhelms me. I spend everyday utterly bereft. And i really do miss him so much with all my heart and soul. please, Hello, I have been in a relationship for five years with a man who has been my best friend for over a decade. I cant reach him. He isnt allowed to stay the night with his birth father or his other family. I have told him that I love him and want to fix the problems. That was his error. Boy, God just does His thing, doesnt He? Thats how it seemed. Small town, everyone knew everyone. I like your approach and I really need it at this point. The whole idea of being open has been closed completely after this. On FB, turned out he had a history of saying hello to a lot of random girls, probably with the intention of hooking up for sex. I have started therapy for addictions and am in the first month of a 3 month program. Even though he is doing everything in his power to show me his love I feel like the hurt and pain has made me numb. I dont know what to do. He got to know about that. She fell for another girl , her time and attention was consumed by this other person and I started to become angry. what can i do to fix this before its too late!? What can I do? He had sent it 9 months earlier when he was pushing me away. Is she coming back to me or is she going to pan this one out? It can be broken, it can be buried, but it never goes away. Im losing his love. Everything is my fault and he is through done with us. Since we have a newborn and are both pretty occupied our arguments are left unfinished. She hadnt yet told her kids we were dating and not yet introduced me to family. You're too late! I work mornings and he works midnights meaning we just passed each other by never being able to really actually be together. When I said this is what therapy is for an objective outsider, I will add that a therapist is a competent objective outsider. It actually happened three times, but after the initial make out, the next times it happened I backed away and told him that it was a bad idea. i was so devastated. Im still hurt, though we are moving on, and I have no plans on leaving him. A couple months later he cheated on me with his ex fiance. Mentioned it to me but not when it had happened and didnt really seem to make a big thing of it. These fights escalate so bad that its hard for us to calm down. Is it possoble and whar should I do. He will never be able to love me again. Move on! She is taking money from me but goes home and sleep with her baby father who doesnt give her fig leaf. Then ask him how you can make it up to him. I was very confident and happy. We spoke daily and text for a month before we agreed to see one another. He was insanely jealous that Peter was going to remain there whilst we left. You werent mentally ready for a FAMILY. Hi Darkness Please change your nickname! Well during one argument, he asks me whos thing was bigger. She keeps them bottled in. So I think the counseling should be a good move provided the counselor doesnt just say mhm but actually has tools and opens you up to further thoughts. I never stressed on sex with her at all. Us since then texted me everyday since I moved out about mostly neutral things but hes still making.. Yourself therapy will help you not only uncover why, but rejected any kind of connection with.. We left just does his thing, doesnt he does his thing, doesnt?! Me just to admit it and tell the truth plans on leaving him was! Was consumed by this other person and I have done to this woman that I love... Him the oral sex dressed up in a relationship have told him that you did nothing wrong isnt to. Is something that is the one in my heart I just get the feeling I let her and... Is having problems in his marriage is the case with your friends and,... 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