my muslim boyfriend broke up with me

You might feel like you have to contact them back because you feel guilty about what happened or because you want to apologize for something. If you have tried talking to your boyfriend and he doesnt want to try to fix things, theres not much more that you can do at this point. Finally, we, as Muslims, are supposed to depict and sincerely show the correct path that Allah swt wants us to remain on, Islam. As I've said in multiple posts on this sub, I highly advise people against dating people of other faiths let alone non christians. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. I don't mind if you pray that:) But a guy who loves me unconditionally..does such a man exist?? But do you really want him back? It's nice to be a muslim character. If you give it some thought, you might be able to identify the reason(s) why your boyfriend left. We broke up because we realised we were actually doing wrong. I know that he still loves me and cares about me but is trying to shut me out and forget his feelings for me. It is unclear as to what reason your boyfriend broke up with you and what he said to you--so it is difficult to comment on this. Say: "He is the One God: God the Eternal, the Uncaused Cause of All Being. At least hell know you care about him and want to remain friends. If you want to heal from a breakup, you cant keep texting your ex, stalking his profile, or even meeting him for coffee to try to convince him to take you back. Indeed the knowledge of Allah Almighty given to us through the revelations to our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, is the most beneficial knowledge we can have. When he sees how well youre doing, hell see that hes missing out by not being a part of your life and hell want to get back together. You need to stop assuming everyone is having sex!!! You as a non Muslim women were always going to be second best, a concubine, a side chick. It only seems that way because they dont explain themselves. If it matters so much to him, in the long run it would still have been a deal breaker. Type: Question Score: 11 Views: 8,026 Replies: 17. Be with someone who is HONEST and wants to marry you the right way with NO lies attached. He begets not, and neither is He begotten; and there is nothing that could be compared with Him. Now What? The more you keep worry for him and his new/ old girlfriend in your heart, the harder it will be for you. This happened to me as well. Well, after recently experiencing a rough patch in my own relationship, I reached out to them for help. Breakups can be ugly, confusing, and downright devastating. Don't get back with him. He was born and raised in Canada and Id consider him to be very westernized, he drinks parties, dates all that stuff. Dont forget that it takes two to make a relationship work, so unless he ended things because of something about you that you can easily fix, youre not going to fix your relationship without him. He was perfect. What did your boyfriend tell you regarding the breakup? Perhaps the brother realized that he shouldn't be doing this--perhaps he didn't, either way, it isn't my place to judge him on it except to say he did the right thing based solely on the information given. You should also avoid seeing them in person because this will make keeping the no contact rule a lot harder. If your ex-boyfriend broke up with you, dont do anything to make him feel like youre desperate to get him back. Make a conscious decision to break off all communication: Breakups are messy and chaotic. can i please ask a personal question. Shes a foodie who loves to cook. She said "NO". A. AquaBabyMama. This time is very crucial for me as my exams are near. Instead of this, do you mind if I pray that you find someone else who treats you the way you want to be treated? My boyfriend of almost 2 years just broke up with me out of no where, he said something about we can never be anything more than we are right now because he is Muslim and I am not. Do you have different values? For you to presume this is really wrong. This is where the No contact rule comes in. Its not what you want to hear, but it gives him a very good reason not to tell you the truth doesnt it? Please dont judge my lesbian relationship. Declare (O Muhammad SAW) unto My slaves, that truly, I am the Oft-Forgiving, the Most-Merciful. We broke up because we realized that our relationship was haram. SVS, where in the post does it even mention sex? Hes certainly not, and becoming more aware of his flaws can help you get over him. Or maybe he will agree to see you and be happy about it instead. His family may have upped the ante on the pressure for him to marry a Muslim woman. If he loved you once, he can love you again and you can make him realize that. It releases endorphins that reduce your anxiety and stress levels and makes you a more confident person overall. Saying things like this are untrue. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Dating Again After A Breakup: How Long Should You Wait? Also, his videos often show the typical questions that non-Muslims have regarding Islam--so hopefully you will be able to find the answer to your queries. You get to decide how long the no contact period is going to last whether he contacts you or not, but it should preferably last for at least 30 days. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to recite this at least 100 times a day. So while he didnt know for sure you were an infidel things were ok. But, its really hard to figure out what went wrong if youre still in touch with your ex. That's not the guy that I knew. Istighfar opens the door of sustenance. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. You can ask him. Now, you dont want to be too obvious. He seemed like he had true feelingshe would message everyday without fail etc.but I just don't know. I make dua and that's all you can. Since yesterday all i did was cry. As she explains what shes endured, however, her decision to break things off seems valid. His feelings for you changed, and they can change again, but right now, you need to respect his decision. Know what you want. On the bright side, getting some distance from this guy will give you a lot more free time, and you should only use a small portion of it to dwell on the breakup. . How can I be a better Muslim? You made the mistake of getting invested in an unavailable guy. I think you are very fortunate to get out as you did. If anyone constantly seeks pardon (from Allah), Allah will appoint for him a way out of every distress and a relief from every anxiety, and will provide sustenance for him from where he expects not. [Abu Dawud]. This can help you avoid getting stuck in the past. That is a big sin and not allowed in the religion. I am deleted every messages nd no, photos everything. Manage Settings Please dont judge my lesbian relationship. Dont get me wrong, every relationship comes with its own healthy dose of arguments and awkwardness. But there are still certain things that youd only know if youre not Muslim, and youre in a relationship with someone who is Islam doesnt permit drinking alcohol, so those 2-4-1 cocktails quickly become 2-4-YOU, which has its pros and cons. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Sorry to hear this happened. i know is my fault for having sex with a man without a proper commitment and is something that i learned and i want to change for myself. My brother is gay. If you want to get your ex back, you must resist the urge to talk to him after the breakup. Well think of it this way. This period should be at least 21 days long, but its generally recommended to wait a month. Never ever beg! I love my Muslim boyfriend but he already has a wife. Instead, focus on taking care of yourself and getting your own life back on track. Press J to jump to the feed. Now that some time has passed, you may be tempted to blame him or shame him. Doing so may have been one of the main things that would keep him from a punishment in Hell, as you mentioned you don't want him to go there. I touched my female cousin without her consent. You've been fooled and it sucks, but that is the case. You know what? If someone has a logic based check list that says *must be Christian. They're notorious for this in my state. Our story is complicated from the beginning like any good love story. Istighfar removes anxiety and duas are answered. or if anyone can give me a class and ill bay for it ! People can fall in and out of love while in a relationship, and it doesnt change the fact that they did really love you at first. Has it always felt like your relationship had an expiration date? But, you should try to keep your intentions hidden from your ex. Make things easier for yourself and establish the no contact rule so that you can move on. ", Reader Response: My Muslim Boyfriend Broke Up with Me. The No contact rule gives them the space they need to get over the breakup. Even if youre sure that you want your ex back, dont bring up their new relationship and trash talk about their new partner. WebBroke up because of religion: What to do So lets say that you and the one you love have broken up because of religious differences. ! Did you know that exercising boosts your self-confidence and makes you feel better about yourself? Keep it along with a list of reasons why he is not the right person for you. You can feel free to pray to the one true God -the Creator of all things- any time, for anything. You need to know what went wrong in your relationship and what you can do to fix it. After spending 2 years of your life with a man it is very hard when they decide they need to make a change. If your ex-boyfriend broke up with you and youre ready to get back together with him, be absolutely sure that you want to rekindle the relationship. i dont know how his wife found me on facebook and she messages me asking me why i am with her husband and so many questions..i didnt denied it i told her everything what he said to me that he's single and i sent to her pictures of us in a trip to las vegas she got crazy and told the family everything and she asked for a divorced she lives in Baghdad with the kid she left the house with the kid without saying were she went, the family got crazy, they started to called me telling me all kind the things that is all my fault..anyway my so ex bf cant go to iraq so he told the family he wont divorced her and if she decides to leave him he will take the kid with him,,he spoke with his father he took the kid from her and brought the kid to their everything is a mess..i am honest i dont feel sorry for any one in that family i told my so ex bf i hate you for what yo did to me i dont care if your family is suffering is not my problem is your problem because you lied to me and too many people thought you are a single man when you are not so now be man and speak the truth..i will never ever will believe any word for any muslim man before go to their home country and see the reality with my own eyes..some people told me i am being i am, really?? He reveals the texts you can send and things you can say that will trigger deep feelings inside him. You may find some FREE adult ESL classes too in your area, just search ESL and city and FREE. For example, when you meet your ex for coffee, bring up some fun memories of the two of you together. Must be XYZ" etc then I am happy for them. The only way to get past this and move on is by healing. The Prayer of Need (Salat al-Hajah) or Istikhara? My boyfriend broke up with me yesterday because i'm im an Atheist and hes a muslim. When he returned to new york with his family.he suddenly told me that he had been wrong and sinned deeply by being in a relationship with me.especially a christian.He loved me but he said he could be friends with me always and respected me dearly..but that as a muslim he cannot marry anyone but a muslim woman.So he had to break up with mei'm truly heart broken because he has been the only man who has ever truly loved me,been honest with me,patient, and i mean i felt enveloped in his love and nowwe no longer can share it together. Give him time to think about the relationship and his decision to break up with you. He never thought highly of you or was going to treat you well because his religion says that he doesnt have to, as you are a non believer in Islam. But On August 3, his parents got him engaged with someone else. We wanted to get married to each other but cant coz too young and family issues and aren't financially ready. Do something cathartic. He seemed troubled when i took the flight out to see him but the first day it was purely just love. Advertising on this blog requires a minimum of GH50 a week. And remember, if you want your ex to give you a second chance, you need to approach them with humility. This will make him regret breaking up with you and want to get back together. My boyfriend and I were in a relationship for almost 2 and a half years. You wonder what you did wrong, how you can get him back, and how long youre going to feel this way. Weird how this never came up before isnt it? If he is still calling you, tell him you would like to remain friends (if you do) but that you need some time away from him to grieve your ending relationship and the loss of the future you thought you had with him. Did you have a bad fight that you havent recovered from? Which is all to say your relationship had no future, and probably he was just playing with you until the time he would go marry. You may want to try speaking to someone via for empathetic, specific, and genuinely insightful relationship advice at its most convenient. I know it does not feel like it right now, but the bottom line is that cultural differences can be difficult to get over unless both parties are really committed to doing just that. If your ex rejects you when you reach out to him, you should know that thats all he is now your ex, and thats okay. Either way, you will need to respect his decision. After thatI prayed a lot for our marriage, but something made me so disappointed. Has something recently changed? Muslim men is only allowed to marry women that believes in one of the 3 big religions. Will he go to hell because of this relationship? Search Internet for ESL and city where you live. I know that what you need right now is sympathy but honestly I think you've been very foolish. When you want to break up with someone, you give it some thought before acting on it. Allow yourself to heal. If he had a reason to break up with you, you probably have a reason to let him go. Perhaps you were fighting a lot. He is an awesome guy who has a good character. When your ex broke up with you, you were probably angry with him. - a simple nikah ceremony would mean that you could be together in a halal way, and the rest can come with time, inshaAllah. Maybe you thought that he loved you, but he was just nice to you while it suited him. An ending of a relationship can come naturally, and both partners can be aware of that, even if one of them wishes that it wasnt true. As for getting over him, these things take time whether someone is a Muslim or not. You need to be sure of what you want and be able to clearly communicate that to your ex. If you want to get your ex back, its crucial to understand the real reason behind the breakup. This is a great way to move past your breakup and get your ex out of your head. Dont ever beg him to take you back. I'm sure they can direct you to an English language learning center. Staff Photo Gallery. Since then, he broke up with me, starting seeing his ex girlfriend, and is now treating me coldly like as if I never existed and like he never even had feelings for me. If you decide to go no contact, dont give in to the temptation to send a message or two along the way, its important to be consistent. It was actually a best-friend relationship. I don't care less anymore either". I guess maybe he is feelingtoo painful in front of the God? Why has no one talked about the matter of teachers messing with students? Talking to a counselor and then connecting with some friends. Wtf. Muslim women is only allowed to marry Muslim men. This isn't because there's anything wrong with you; it's because he was a user not a lover.Also, mature or not your response to his message was apt. "Real friends are gems to find. They might not be able to heal quickly and might need more time than you do. Maybe yours ended now so that it would hurt less than if it ended later. Giphy. That's a lot of presumptions that you are making. You were always only ever a bit of fun, a bit of sex and a possession, a non Muslim possession that had authority over, given to him by his god. He used to tell me what is right and what shouldI do. I never did anything wrong I was a good man. After breaking up with someone you love, you will probably desperately want to get back together as soon as possible. But atheists we cannot marry. Believe me, if you want to have a shot of getting back together, this is the way. Because once you paint a new picture of what your life together could be like, you could end up creating the relationship youve always dreamt of. She couldn't leave the country. If you push him too hard, hell resent you even more and the breakup will become permanent. who know a center to learn it in bittsburgh ? If you havent heard of Relationship Hero before, its a site where highly trained relationship coaches help people through complicated and difficult love situations. If your ex-boyfriend broke up with you, but hes not ready for a serious relationship, make him jealous by dating other men. That means not replying to any texts, calls, social media. Perhaps your boyfriend isnt scared of commitment; he just doesnt think that your particular relationship has a future. Right person for you hes not ready for a serious relationship, make him jealous by dating other.... Recommended to Wait a month as soon as possible boyfriend broke up with you, but already. A day now that some time has passed, you will probably want!, audience insights and product development, how you can me wrong, every relationship comes its... Person because this will make keeping the no contact rule a lot harder the reason ( s ) why boyfriend... 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